We aim to provide services required to educate and assist our community in all areas of their lives. At present, language skills and ICT skills are a priority. The YCA also works in partnership with Salford City Council, various statutory bodies and the voluntary sector to identify the needs of its community and provide an effective service which responds to the need of the community . For various social, economic and cultural reasons, the community has prioritised employment over education. The result is that some of the elder generation lack knowledge of the English language, and are followed into manual jobs by their children. The YCA offers advice to young people on the importance of education and training, and is proud to say that a number of its members have successfully completed a university degree. They now work in areas such as architecture, engineering, banking, insurance and computing.
Our office is usually open 10am – 6pm on weekdays. We support families and individuals through:
- Translation services
- Welfare Advice
- Guidance and support with immigration issues
- Sign posting to other agencies and services where applicable
We also run projects, classes, trips and events for the benefit of everyone in our community. Please consult the listings pages for further information.