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My Time in Yemen

The Journey

I Alhamdulillah arrived in Sana’a airport on the 13th October 2011.  This was 3 days later than scheduled due to a delay from the airline and unrest in Yemen. On arriving in Sana’a airport, everything looked as normal as ever; people were still rushing everywhere, the queues weren’t organised, you could hear loud shouting and the border control police were still as miserable as ever. But we all got through without any problems, Alhamdulillah.  When we finally collected our baggage from the one turn-belt that was working at 1000% capacity, we stepped outside the airport to meet my friend who would take us to the coach station to complete our journey.  This was the first time I noticed a difference in Yemen. There appeared to be a lot of military controlling the streets and many checkpoints to pass.  Roads were blocked off with big rocks which made our journey twice as long, and certain areas were completely inaccessible.

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